Today was Aggie’s first treatment for FIP. A new friend from the Facebook group I joined was able to send me three bottles of the medication from Florida on Saturday and it actually got to Oregon today, the following Monday! I am hugely impressed with USPS (now if they could just stop dragging their feet on my first class decal orders my life would be grand!
I had given Aggie a B12 shot last week without any issues, so I was surprised when she started crying when I was giving her this shot and I only got about half of her 1ml dose into her. She then clamped down on my hand (though still in Aggie fashion not hard and didn’t break the skin, I am sure Oliver would have drew blood) and cried for about a minute after. Oliver and Linc were both right there and a little alarmed by her cries. I decided to give her a break, she had some water and I used my brain for a few minutes. I decided I had probably dulled the needle because I reinserted it several times to figure out how to get the liquid out. So I took off the used needle and put a new one on and about 20 mins later I finished her dose and she didn’t complain one bit.
Aggie got some chicken thighs (boiled) afterwards and is now taking a nap. I will be keeping a close eye on her the next 24 hours to see how she reacts. From all the documentation I have read about this medication I should start seeing her right eye change back to it’s normal color if the medication is working as it should, and the dose is right. I am crossing my fingers for us!