I got Aggie’s bloodwork back today and everything is within normal ranges!!! Her Albumin/Globulin ratio only got up to 0.5 (I really wanted it up to 0.7 or higher) but after discussing it with my vet and friends in the Warriors group, I’ve decided to stop her treatment after today (3 days early) and see how things go. Her weight is still going up, she was 8.30 lbs at the vet yesterday (last weigh in at home was 8.12 lbs on 8/16).
Administering Aggie’s shot has always been pretty easy, as she’s a pretty laid back kitty, but today she was having none of it and it was the worst experience I’ve had over the last three months. I’m not sure what happened, but I had to stick her a few times and she jumped/flinched no matter where I tried, and afterwards I had some blood on my hand from where I was holding her so I must have nicked something or with her moving around stabbed herself. Either way I’ve decided she’s had enough and it’s time to see if she can stand on her own, so to say.
I’m in this state of happiness because she is healthy again and now we can “get back to normal” but I’m also terrified she will relapse. Hopefully these last three months (I cant believe it’s been over three months since she diagnosed!) have given her little body all the reprieve she’ll need to keep kicking FIP’s ass!